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seeds for plants

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Enza Zeden Nagene Mini Cucumber -  (1000-seeds) hover image

Enza Zeden Nagene Mini Cucumber - (1000-seeds)

Strong and fast growing vinesTolerant to powdery mildew, cucumber mosaicCylindrical, glossy, dark gr..

₹ 6,200 ₹ 7,925

Lettuce Vizir - Enza Zaden (1000-seeds) hover image

Lettuce Vizir - Enza Zaden (1000-seeds)

Fresh, blond-green Oakleaf.Large plant frameHigh leaf uniformitySmall leaf base.Green Oak leaf Lettu..

₹ 983

Enza Zaden - Bell Pepper  CEBRAIL F1 (RED) 1000seeds hover image

Enza Zaden - Bell Pepper CEBRAIL F1 (RED) 1000seeds

Crop -  Pepper Crop Type - BlockyRed blocky for Israel. Arava and Bsor areasVery well..

₹ 8,521

Yuksel - Red abraham F1 Bell Pepper (Red) 1000 seeds hover image

Yuksel - Red abraham F1 Bell Pepper (Red) 1000 seeds

Abundant Harvest: This package includes 1000 seeds, providing a generous supply of delicious red bel..

₹ 7,000

Basil Purple Seeds - Gennext Seeds 1gm

Basil Purple Seeds - Gennext Seeds 1gm

Variety: Basil Purple SeedsSeed Quantity: 400-500 seedsDistinctive Color: This basil variety feature..

₹ 50

Enza Zaden - Bell pepper  VOLANTE F1 (yellow) hover image

Enza Zaden - Bell pepper VOLANTE F1 (yellow)

Abundant Harvest: Produce an ample supply of sweet and crispy yellow bell peppers.Sunny Yellow: Enjo..

₹ 8,176

Enza-F1 Hybrid Cabbage ANGAD (1000seeds)

Enza-F1 Hybrid Cabbage ANGAD (1000seeds)

Variety: Enza-F1 Hybrid Cabbage ANGADQuantity: 1000 seeds per packageQuality: Renowned for its consi..

₹ 328

Lettuce Batavia Caipira  - Enza Zaden (1000-seeds) hover image

Lettuce Batavia Caipira - Enza Zaden (1000-seeds)

Green colored lettuce Batavia varietyLarge Curly head Erect plant typeRecommended for hydroponi..

₹ 649

Basil Emilly-10g hover image

Basil Emilly-10g

A compact Genovese type basil with medium to large leaves.Emily is adapted to both field and greenh..

₹ 275

Beans Purple seeds - Gennext 1gm (400-500 seeds)

Beans Purple seeds - Gennext 1gm (400-500 seeds)

Variety: Beans Purple seeds by Gennext Seeds.Seed Quantity: 1gm, containing approximately 400-500 se..

₹ 75

Yuksel - Rehena F1 Bell Pepper (Yellow)1000 seeds hover image

Yuksel - Rehena F1 Bell Pepper (Yellow)1000 seeds

Abundant Harvest: This package includes 1000 seeds, providing a generous supply of delicious yellow ..

₹ 8,260

 Rosemary Remy - Enza Zaden10g hover image

Rosemary Remy - Enza Zaden10g

Suited for fresh cut and pot.  Cooked or roasted with all meat dishes especially with lamb..

₹ 1,680

Beetroot Candy Cane Red seeds - Gennext 1gm (400-500 seeds )

Beetroot Candy Cane Red seeds - Gennext 1gm (400-500 seeds )

Variety: Beetroot Candy Cane Red seeds by Gennext Seeds.Seed Quantity: 1gm, with approximately 400-5..

₹ 80

Genevose – basil Dolly  - Enza Zaden (1000-seeds) hover image

Genevose – basil Dolly - Enza Zaden (1000-seeds)

Our largest-leaved Genovese type basil that is very uniform and fast growing.Dolly demonstrates bet..

₹ 294

Showing 31 to 45 of 228 (16 Pages)